I have abandon this blog for quite a long time I guess for my studying (I dont really study) and are currently waiting for my SPM results to be reveal on March (I'm actually really scared of getting poor results, fuck it)
Anyway, today I went for movie with 3 awesome KRS friendsss and we watched Pompeii.
We made so much noise during the movie and kept expecting the two main characters to kiss and the volcanic eruption going on behind them... I guess people at back would hate us cause we even put our feet on the chair infront (the cinema is really NOT crowded ) infront of us there's no one and behind us a few row got a few people.
Movie times with friends are great fun. The movie is not a comedy but we could make fun of it and laugh a little too loud and distract other people. The last one is not polite but there are so few people in the cinema so we don't care I guess.
Husky are so cute. Especially the puppies.